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A Journey of Excellence: Celebrating Two Decades of Partnership in Quality Product Selection
Established in the year 2000, the alliance between PT. Sriwejaya Inti Sukses (SIS) and Vasanta Group marked the dawn of a new era in construction, characterized by innovation, quality, and unwavering dedication to customer satisfaction.
From the outset, both entities recognized the importance of forging strong relationship based on trust, reliability, and a shared vision for building a shared vision for building a better future.

This partnership blossomed into a remarkable journey marked by numerous milestones and shared achievements.
In 2020, when Vasanta Group embarked on its flagship project, Shila at Sawangan, it turned to PT. SIS for the finest building materials that would set the benchmark for quality and durability. The collaboration resulted in the successful completion of a structure that not only stood as a testament to architectural prowess but also served as a beacon of inspiration for future endeavors.
In conclusion, the partnership between PT. SIS and Vasanta Group is more than just a business arrangement; it is a testament to the transformative power of collaboration and the enduring impact of shared values. Together, they have not only built structures that stand as monuments to human ingenuity but also forged bonds that will withstand the test of time, inspiring generations to come.